
USB設備使用檢查 3.0.7

  • 軟件版本:3.0.7
  • 軟件授權:免費軟件
  • 軟件類型:國產軟件
  • 軟件語言:簡體中文
  • 應用平臺:WinAll
  • 更新時間:2021-11-30
  • 軟件大?。?/span>0.41MB
  • 軟件評分:
立即下載 0.41MB
USB設備使用檢查讓檢查出您的計算機曾經用過的USB設置...用過什么文件.等等 USBDeview v1.15 Copyright (c) 2006 - 2008 Nir Sofer Web Site: http://www.nirsoft.net相似軟件版本說明軟件地址nds模擬器2.6a 最新版查看云機管家0.9.8 電腦版查看win7家庭版中文版查看小白一鍵重裝系統(tǒng) 電腦版查看快捷啟動管理工具4.02 最新版查看

Description ===========

USBDeview is a small utility that lists all USB devices that currently connected to your computer, as well as all USB devices that you previously used. For each USB device, exteneded information is displayed: Device name/description, device type, serial number (for mass storage devices), the date/time that device was added, VendorID, ProductID, and more... USBDeview also allows you to uninstall USB devices that you previously used, and disconnect USB devices that are currently connected to your computer. You can also use USBDeview on a remote computer, as long as you login to that computer with admin user.

License =======

This utility is releas